[Czech Republic] What kind of beer is Pilsner Urquell?

Yoko, a European beer lover

Pilsner Urquell is the original pilsner beer that currently dominates the Japanese market.

It is an indispensable part of any discussion of pilsner.

For me, as the writer of this blog, this is my most beloved beer in the world!

Green and red labels perfect for Christmas♡
A retro Pilsner Urquell sign I bought in the Czech Republic
(One of my treasures)

Basic information about Pilsner Urquell

Types of beerPilsner (lager)
Alcohol content4.4%
country of originCzech Republic (formerly Bohemia)
TasteClean bitterness, well-balanced malt and hop flavor.
FeaturesThe world's first pilsner, the original clear lager beer

Pilsner Urquell was born in Pilsen, Czech Republic in 1842, and its clear golden color and refreshing taste revolutionized beer lovers around the world. In fact, the name "Pilsner Urquell" means "Original Pilsen" in Czech, and it is still loved around the world as the origin of pilsner-style beer.

\ The original taste of Pilsner can be enjoyed easily in Japan, starting at around 250 yen per bottle. /

FELICITY Beer & Water
¥6,170 (As of 1:11am on December 5, 2024 | According to Rakuten Market)

\ It's a little pricey, but if you want to experience the atmosphere, they also have bottles. /

¥7,230 (As of 07:21, December 5, 2024 | According to Rakuten Market)

The story behind the creation of Pilsner Urquell

source:Pilsner Urquell official website

The birth of Pilsner Urquell has an interesting background. In the 1830s, the quality of beer in Plzen, Czech Republic, was unstable and many citizens were dissatisfied. So the citizens turned to German brewer,Josef GrohlWe decided to invite him to develop a new beer.

Grol used local soft water, Bohemian Saaz hops, and Moravian barley to create a clear, golden-colored beer like no other. This was the beginning of Pilsner Urquell. It quickly became popular throughout Europe, and the pilsner style became beloved around the world.

This "clear, golden-colored beer" was revolutionary, and as the originator of lager beer, Pilsner Urquell went on to have a huge impact on the beer industry thereafter.

Characteristics and taste of Pilsner Urquell

The main features of Pilsner Urquell are:A clean bitterness and well-balanced malt sweetnessThe Saatsu hops used give the beer a unique aroma and bitterness, which gives it a refreshing taste.

Pilsner Urquell is also attractive for its clear golden color and beautiful appearance. The foam is fine and lasts a long time. When drinking beer, chill it well (about 6 to 8 degrees) and pour it slowly into a chilled glass to enjoy its aroma and flavor to the fullest.

Pilsner Urquell taste points

  • Bitterness balance
    Not too bitter and easy to drink

  • Hop aroma
    Characterized by the rich aroma of Saatsu hops

  • Malt sweetness
    The richness and sweetness of the malt gives the beer a mellow finish.

Food pairings to enhance your Pilsner Urquell experience

Pilsner Urquell has a refreshing taste.Greasy foodorSpicy dishesFor example, when paired with fried foods, yakitori, or spicy dishes, the bitterness of the beer effectively balances the fat and spiciness of the food.

Why Pilsner Beer Has Become Mainstream in Japan Today

source:Pilsner Urquell official website

In Japan, lager-type beer is mainstream. This is because when beer culture was introduced to Japan during the Meiji period, pilsner beer, which was popular in Europe, also spread. (There are various styles of lager, and pilsner is one of them.)

In particular, Asahi Beer and Kirin Beer adopted the pilsner style of beer and had a major impact on the Japanese market.

Considering that Pilsner Urquell is the originator of pilsner and has had a major impact on the Japanese beer industry, it is impossible to talk about modern Japanese beer culture without mentioning Pilsner Urquell!

  • Lageris a common low-temperature fermented beer style that tends to have a clean taste, but there is a wide range of hop usage and flavor.
  • Pilsneris a style of lager that has a particularly strong hop flavor and a refreshing, bitter taste.
Author: Myako

Pilsner Urquell has a relatively familiar taste for Japanese people, so it is also recommended as a gift for those who are new to foreign beers.

In fact, when I gave it to my father who lives in Japan, he was thrilled!

The meaning behind the name Pilsner Urquell

The "Pilsner" in Pilsner Urquell comes from the Czech city of Pilsen, and "Urquell" means "source" in German. In other words, Pilsner Urquell means "the source of beer in Pilsen," and is a name that symbolizes the origin of beer.

It's no wonder that this brand name emphasizes its status as the originator of pilsner beer.


Pilsner Urquell is the original pilsner beer that continues to be loved by beer lovers around the world. Its beautiful clear golden color and exquisite balance of refreshing bitterness and malty sweetness give it an appeal that you will never tire of, no matter how many times you drink it.

Through this article, I hope you have learned about the history, characteristics, and how to taste Pilsner Urquell. The reason why Pilsner beer is loved in Japan is because of the existence of this beer.

The next time you choose a beer, be sure to pick up a Pilsner Urquell and enjoy its flavor!

\ Speaking of Pilsner Urquell, this mug is the one! The mug (glass) included will make you feel like you're in the real place./

¥3,208 (As of 07:17 on December 5, 2024 | According to Rakuten Market)

The appeal of Pilsner Urquell is discussed passionately in the article below!

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